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Phase banner



Use the alpha phase banner when you're testing out new ideas to a limited audience and your service is incomplete.

Example Phase Banner Alpha contents


{% from "components/phase-banner/_macro.njk" import onsPhaseBanner %}
{% from "components/external-link/_macro.njk" import onsExternalLink %}

{% set feedbackLink %}
            "url": "#0",
            "linkText": "give feedback"
{% endset %}

        "badge": "Alpha",
        "html": "This is a new service. To help us improve it, " + feedbackLink

Nunjucks macro options

htmlstringtrueThe text content for the phase banner. This can contain HTML.
badgestringfalseThe text for the phase banner badge. Defaults to “Beta”.
hideBadgebooleanfalseSet to “true” to hide the phase banner badge
widebooleanfalseSet to “true” to increase the maximum width of the layout container to 1280px
fullWidthbooleanfalseSet to “true” to increase the maximum width of the layout container to the full width of the viewport


<div class="ons-phase-banner">
  <div class="ons-container">
    <div class="ons-grid ons-grid--flex ons-grid--gutterless ons-grid--vertical-top ons-grid--no-wrap">
      <div class="ons-grid__col ons-col-auto ons-u-flex-no-grow ons-u-flex-no-shrink">
        <strong class="ons-phase-banner__badge">Alpha</strong>
      <div class="ons-grid__col ons-col-auto ons-u-flex-shrink">
        <p class="ons-phase-banner__desc ons-u-fs-s ons-u-mb-no">This is a new service. To help us improve it, <a
            href="#0" class="ons-external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
            <span class="ons-external-link__text">give feedback</span><span class="ons-external-link__icon">&nbsp;<svg
                class="ons-icon" viewBox="0 0 12 12" xmlns="" focusable="false"
                aria-hidden="true" role="img" title="ons-icon-external-link">
                  transform="translate(-2 -1.99)" />
                  transform="translate(-2 -1.99)" />
              </svg></span><span class="ons-external-link__new-window-description ons-u-vh">(opens in a new


Use the beta phase banner following your service's alpha phase.

At this stage you are ready for real users to try your service and you are preparing to go live.

Example Phase Banner Beta contents


{% from "components/phase-banner/_macro.njk" import onsPhaseBanner %}
{% from "components/external-link/_macro.njk" import onsExternalLink %}

{% set feedbackLink %}
            "url": "#0",
            "linkText": "give feedback"
{% endset %}

          "html": "This is a new service. To help us improve it, " + feedbackLink

Nunjucks macro options

htmlstringtrueThe text content for the phase banner. This can contain HTML.
badgestringfalseThe text for the phase banner badge. Defaults to “Beta”.
hideBadgebooleanfalseSet to “true” to hide the phase banner badge
widebooleanfalseSet to “true” to increase the maximum width of the layout container to 1280px
fullWidthbooleanfalseSet to “true” to increase the maximum width of the layout container to the full width of the viewport


<div class="ons-phase-banner">
  <div class="ons-container">
    <div class="ons-grid ons-grid--flex ons-grid--gutterless ons-grid--vertical-top ons-grid--no-wrap">
      <div class="ons-grid__col ons-col-auto ons-u-flex-no-grow ons-u-flex-no-shrink">
        <strong class="ons-phase-banner__badge">Beta</strong>
      <div class="ons-grid__col ons-col-auto ons-u-flex-shrink">
        <p class="ons-phase-banner__desc ons-u-fs-s ons-u-mb-no">This is a new service. To help us improve it, <a
            href="#0" class="ons-external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
            <span class="ons-external-link__text">give feedback</span><span class="ons-external-link__icon">&nbsp;<svg
                class="ons-icon" viewBox="0 0 12 12" xmlns="" focusable="false"
                aria-hidden="true" role="img" title="ons-icon-external-link">
                  transform="translate(-2 -1.99)" />
                  transform="translate(-2 -1.99)" />
              </svg></span><span class="ons-external-link__new-window-description ons-u-vh">(opens in a new

How to use this component

The phase banner must be at the top of the page, directly above the header.

Base page template

The phase banner component can be added to the top of the header using the base page template.

You can override this by manually adding it using the header block.

The link should direct users to a form to collect feedback on the service like the example in the feedback pattern.

To make sure the user can always get back to the page they were on before they opened the form, make sure the form has a back link.

Help improve this page

Let us know how we could improve this page, or share your user research findings. Discuss the ‘Phase banner’ component on GitHub (opens in a new tab)