Use breadcrumbs to display a list of links to the parent pages of the current page in hierarchical order.
Breadcrumbs help users find their place within a website or web application.
When not to use this component
Do not use the breadcrumbs component on websites with a flat structure.
To help users navigate back through a linear journey or transaction, use a single breadcrumb.
If you are using other navigational elements on the page, such as a sidebar, consider whether your users need the additional support of breadcrumbs.
How to use this component
Always place component before a page’s <main>
content element.
This allows them to be skipped with the skip to content component.
To ensure the component is placed correctly set breadcrumbs in the pageConfig of the base page template.
How it works
The set of links is structured using a <ul>
to provide semantic structure.
A <nav>
element labelled “Breadcrumbs” identifies the structure as a breadcrumb trail and makes it a navigation landmark so that it is easy to locate.
To prevent screen readers announcing the visual separators between links, they are added via CSS.
The separators are part of the visual presentation that signifies the breadcrumb trail.
This is already semantically represented by the <nav>
element with its aria-label
of “Breadcrumbs”. Therefore, using a display technique that is not used by screen readers prevents unnecessary distraction.
Single breadcrumb
Use a single breadcrumb to help the user go back to the previous page of a transaction or questionnaire.
Always use this variant on a question page (opens in a new tab) . Use “previous” as the label when the previous page is a question.
Use variant on every page of a linear transaction, if it makes sense to do so. Research has shown users do not often trust the browser back button when navigating back through transactions, especially after submitting form data in financial transactions.
When the component only has a single breadcrumb it will display like this.
Help improve this page
Let us know how we could improve this page, or share your user research findings. Discuss the ‘Breadcrumbs’ component on GitHub (opens in a new tab)