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Labels describe the purpose of an:


All input and textarea components must have a visible label

Example Label contents


{% from "components/label/_macro.njk" import onsLabel %}
        "id": 'label',
        "for": "some-input",
        "text": 'Label'

Nunjucks macro options

idstringfalseThe HTML id for the label
textstringtrueThe text content of the label
forstringtrueThe id of the input the label is for
descriptionstringfalseHint text following the label to help users answer
classesstringfalseClasses to add to the label
attributesobjectfalseHTML attributes to add to the label, for example, data attributes
inputTypestringfalseSet to “radio” or “checkbox” to add the relevant CSS for checkboxes or radios. Defaults to text input.
accessiblePlaceholderbooleanfalseWill add the provided label as an accessible placeholder within the input


<label class="ons-label" for="some-input" id="label">Label</label>

How to use this component

Usually, you will not need to implement a label yourself as the form inputs have them imported in their respective templates.

You should make sure the label is:

  • short, direct and written in sentence case
  • left-aligned

You should not:

  • use placeholder text to display a label as it will not be visible when the user clicks on the input
  • place a colon at the end of the label


With description

Use this to show a hint that tells most users either:

  • how to enter their information
  • how to find the information they need to enter
  • how their information will be used

To do this, use the optional description parameter.

Example Label With Description contents

{% from "components/label/_macro.njk" import onsLabel %}
        "text": "Label",
        "for": "some-input",
        "description": "An example description"
Nunjucks macro options
idstringfalseThe HTML id for the label
textstringtrueThe text content of the label
forstringtrueThe id of the input the label is for
descriptionstringfalseHint text following the label to help users answer
classesstringfalseClasses to add to the label
attributesobjectfalseHTML attributes to add to the label, for example, data attributes
inputTypestringfalseSet to “radio” or “checkbox” to add the relevant CSS for checkboxes or radios. Defaults to text input.
accessiblePlaceholderbooleanfalseWill add the provided label as an accessible placeholder within the input
<label class="ons-label ons-label--with-description" for="some-input" aria-describedby="description-hint">Label</label>
<span id="description-hint" class="ons-label__description ons-input--with-description">An example description</span>


To place a label in front of the input, set the optional inline parameter to “true”.

This should only be used when an input needs to be displayed alongside another element, for example, a sort filter.

Example Select With Inline Label contents

{% from "components/select/_macro.njk" import onsSelect %}
        "id": "select-example-with-inline-label",
        "name": "select",
        "classes": "ons-u-wa--@xxs",
        "label": {
            "text": "Sort by",
            "inline": true
        "options": [
                "value": "best-match",
                "text": "Best match",
                "selected": true
                "value": "latest",
                "text": "Latest"
Nunjucks macro options
idstringtrueThe HTML id of the select element. This used for the label’s for attribute.
classesstringfalseClasses to add to the select element
namestringfalseThe HTML name attribute for the select element
attributesobjectfalseHTML attributes (for example, data attributes) to add to the select element
labelObject<Label>trueSettings for the label. The HTML for attribute will automatically be set to match the select id.
optionsArray<SelectOption>trueAn array of options for the component
fieldIdstringfalseThe HTML id of the field
fieldClassesstringfalseClasses for the field
dontWrapbooleanfalsePrevents the select from being wrapped in a field component
errorError (ref)falseConfiguration for validation errors
textstringtrueThe text for the option
valuestringfalseThe value for the option. If not specified the value will set by the text parameter
selectedbooleanfalseSet to “true” to make an option selected when the page loads. Only one option should have this set.
disabledbooleanfalseSet to “true” to disable an option. Use to set a default placeholder option that can’t be selected, for example, “Select an option”.
idstringfalseThe HTML id of the option element.
attributesobjectfalseHTML attributes (for example, data attributes) to add to the option element
textstringtrueThe text content of the label
descriptionstringfalseHint text to help users use the component
classesstringfalseClasses to add to the label
inlinebooleanfalseSet to “true” to display the label on the same line and before the select element
<div class="ons-field ons-field--inline">
  <label class="ons-label" for="select-example-with-inline-label">Sort by</label>
  <select id="select-example-with-inline-label" name="select" class="ons-input ons-input--select ons-u-wa--@xxs">
    <option value="best-match" selected>Best match</option>
    <option value="latest">Latest</option>

Checkbox and radio labels

To label radios and checkboxes, inputType needs to be set to radio or checkbox.

Example Radios With Descriptions contents

{% from "components/radios/_macro.njk" import onsRadios %}
{% from "components/question/_macro.njk" import onsQuestion %}

    call onsQuestion({
        "title": "What is your ethnic group or background?",
        "classes": "ons-u-mt-no",
        "legendIsQuestionTitle": true
            "dontWrap": true,
            "name": "ethnicity",
            "radios": [
                    "id": "white-example-radio-with-description",
                    "label": {
                        "text": "White",
                        "description": "Includes British, Northern Irish, Irish, Gypsy, Irish Traveller, Roma or any other White background"
                    "name": "white"
                    "id": "mixed-example-radio-with-description",
                    "label": {
                        "text": "Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups",
                        "description": "Includes White and Black Caribbean, White and Black African, White and Asian or any other Mixed or Multiple background"
                    "name": "mixed"
                    "id": "asian-example-radio-with-description",
                    "label": {
                        "text": "Asian or Asian British",
                        "description": "Includes Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese or any other Asian background"
                    "name": "asian"
                    "id": "black-example-radio-with-description",
                    "label": {
                        "text": "Black, Black British, Caribbean or African",
                        "description": "Includes Black British, Caribbean, African or any other Black background"
                    "name": "black"
                    "id": "other-example-radio-with-description",
                    "label": {
                        "text": "Other ethnic group",
                        "description": "Includes Arab or any other ethnic group"
                    "name": "other"
{% endcall %}
Nunjucks macro options
idstringfalseThe HTML id for the fieldset
classesstringfalseClasses to add to the fieldset
legendstringtrue (unless dontWrap is set)The HTML <legend> for the fieldset
legendClassesstringfalseClasses to add to the legend
descriptionstringfalseHint text following the fieldset‘s legend to help users answer
borderlessbooleanfalseSet to “true” to remove the border surrounding the input and label
namestringtrueThe name to apply to the radios
radiosarray<Radio>trueSettings for each radio
dontWrapbooleanfalseSet to “true” to prevent the radios from being wrapped in a fieldset component
legendIsQuestionTitlebooleanfalseCreates an h1 inside the legend. Use when the radios are the only fieldset on the page
valuestringfalseSet to “true” to preset the checked radio. This can also be achieved by setting the checked parameter on the Radio item to “true”.
errorError (ref)falseConfiguration for validation errors
orstringfalseText for the “Or” seperator label
clearRadiosobject<ClearRadios>falseSettings for for the clear selection button
idstringtrueThe HTML id of the radio. Used for the label’s for attribute.
valuestringfalseThe HTML value attribute for the radio to set a preset value for the input
classesstringfalseClasses to add to the radio
checkedbooleanfalseSet to “true” to select the radio when the page loads
labelLabel (ref)trueSettings for the radio label
otherobject<OtherRadio> with arrays if using Select (ref), Checkboxes (ref) or Radios (ref)falseSettings for a nested input, select, checkboxes, radios or textarea to provide other information in addition to the radio answer. Defaults to use input.
attributesobjectfalseHTML attributes (for example, data attributes) to add to the radio input element
idstringtrueThe HTML id of the nested input. Used for the label’s for attribute.
classesstringfalseClasses to add to the nested input
namestringfalseThe HTML name attribute for the nested input
valuestringfalseThe HTML value attribute for the nested input to set a preset value for the input
labelLabel (ref)trueSettings for the nested input’s label
widthstringfalseRequired width of the nested text input in number of letters or digits. Will also accept a breakpoint suffix, for example, “7@m”. Defaults to “auto”.
typestringfalseSets the HTML type attribute for the nested <input>. Can be set to either: “number”, “email”, “tel”, “password”, or “search”. Defaults to “text”.
inputClassesstringfalseClasses to apply to the radio input element
otherTypestringfalse (unless alternative input used)Set the type of nested input if not using default text input, using available types: “select”, “checkboxes”, “radios” or “textarea”.
openbooleanfalseSet to “true” to show the nested other input when page loads
selectAllChildrenbooleanfalseSet to “true” when using otherType set to “checkboxes” to show all nested checkboxes pre-selected
attributesobjectfalseHTML attributes (for example, data attributes) to add to the nested input
textstringtrueThe text label for the button
namestringfalseThe HTML name attribute for the button
ariaClearTextstringtrueThe text to be announced to screen readers when a radio has been selected. For example, “You can clear your answer using the “clear selection” button after the radio inputs”.
ariaClearedTextstringtrueThe text to be announced to screen readers when the “clear selection” button has been selected. For example, “Your answer has been cleared”.
<div class="ons-question ons-u-mb-l ons-u-mt-no">
  <div class="ons-question__answer ons-u-mb-m">
    <fieldset class="ons-fieldset">
      <legend class="ons-fieldset__legend ons-u-mb-no">
        <h1 id="fieldset-legend-title" class="ons-fieldset__legend-title">What is your ethnic group or background?</h1>
      <div class="ons-input-items">
        <div class="ons-radios__items">
          <span class="ons-radios__item">
            <span class="ons-radio">
              <input type="radio" id="white-example-radio-with-description" class="ons-radio__input ons-js-radio"
                value="" name="ethnicity" />
              <label class=" ons-radio__label ons-label--with-description" for="white-example-radio-with-description"
                id="white-example-radio-with-description-label">White <span class="ons-label__aria-hidden-description"
                  <span class="ons-label__description ons-radio__label--with-description">Includes British, Northern
                    Irish, Irish, Gypsy, Irish Traveller, Roma or any other White background</span></span></label>
              <span class="ons-label__visually-hidden-description ons-u-vh"
                id="white-example-radio-with-description-label-description-hint">Includes British, Northern Irish,
                Irish, Gypsy, Irish Traveller, Roma or any other White background</span>
          <br />
          <span class="ons-radios__item">
            <span class="ons-radio">
              <input type="radio" id="mixed-example-radio-with-description" class="ons-radio__input ons-js-radio"
                value="" name="ethnicity" />
              <label class=" ons-radio__label ons-label--with-description" for="mixed-example-radio-with-description"
                id="mixed-example-radio-with-description-label">Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups <span
                  class="ons-label__aria-hidden-description" aria-hidden="true">
                  <span class="ons-label__description ons-radio__label--with-description">Includes White and Black
                    Caribbean, White and Black African, White and Asian or any other Mixed or Multiple
              <span class="ons-label__visually-hidden-description ons-u-vh"
                id="mixed-example-radio-with-description-label-description-hint">Includes White and Black Caribbean,
                White and Black African, White and Asian or any other Mixed or Multiple background</span>
          <br />
          <span class="ons-radios__item">
            <span class="ons-radio">
              <input type="radio" id="asian-example-radio-with-description" class="ons-radio__input ons-js-radio"
                value="" name="ethnicity" />
              <label class=" ons-radio__label ons-label--with-description" for="asian-example-radio-with-description"
                id="asian-example-radio-with-description-label">Asian or Asian British <span
                  class="ons-label__aria-hidden-description" aria-hidden="true">
                  <span class="ons-label__description ons-radio__label--with-description">Includes Indian, Pakistani,
                    Bangladeshi, Chinese or any other Asian background</span></span></label>
              <span class="ons-label__visually-hidden-description ons-u-vh"
                id="asian-example-radio-with-description-label-description-hint">Includes Indian, Pakistani,
                Bangladeshi, Chinese or any other Asian background</span>
          <br />
          <span class="ons-radios__item">
            <span class="ons-radio">
              <input type="radio" id="black-example-radio-with-description" class="ons-radio__input ons-js-radio"
                value="" name="ethnicity" />
              <label class=" ons-radio__label ons-label--with-description" for="black-example-radio-with-description"
                id="black-example-radio-with-description-label">Black, Black British, Caribbean or African <span
                  class="ons-label__aria-hidden-description" aria-hidden="true">
                  <span class="ons-label__description ons-radio__label--with-description">Includes Black British,
                    Caribbean, African or any other Black background</span></span></label>
              <span class="ons-label__visually-hidden-description ons-u-vh"
                id="black-example-radio-with-description-label-description-hint">Includes Black British, Caribbean,
                African or any other Black background</span>
          <br />
          <span class="ons-radios__item">
            <span class="ons-radio">
              <input type="radio" id="other-example-radio-with-description" class="ons-radio__input ons-js-radio"
                value="" name="ethnicity" />
              <label class=" ons-radio__label ons-label--with-description" for="other-example-radio-with-description"
                id="other-example-radio-with-description-label">Other ethnic group <span
                  class="ons-label__aria-hidden-description" aria-hidden="true">
                  <span class="ons-label__description ons-radio__label--with-description">Includes Arab or any other
                    ethnic group</span></span></label>
              <span class="ons-label__visually-hidden-description ons-u-vh"
                id="other-example-radio-with-description-label-description-hint">Includes Arab or any other ethnic

Help improve this page

Let us know how we could improve this page, or share your user research findings. Discuss the ‘Label’ component on GitHub (opens in a new tab)