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Address input


Allows users to find an address using an address finder or enter one manually.

When to use this component

Use this component to help users either:

There is specific guidance on how to ask users for addresses.

How to use this component with the ONS Address Index API

The address input extends the code base used for the autosuggest component.

There are two main ways to use this component with the ONS Address Index API. Addresses can be either:

Non-editable address finder

Include the parameter isEditable: false. You will also need to set other parameters as shown in the Nunjucks options in the example.

When a user selects an address it is displayed in the address finder input.

The UPRN (unique ID) for the selected address is added to a hidden input. This is posted with the rest of the form data when it is submitted.

If there is an issue with the API, the component will disable the address finder and show an error message.

When using a non-editable address component, you must also use the footer with the royal coat of arms.

Important information:

The examples on this page use a mock API, for access to the real API internal ONS users will need to raise a Service Now request (opens in a new tab) 

If the address finder is not showing in the example or if you have any questions about the component, contact the Design System team

Example Address Input contents

{% from "components/address-input/_macro.njk" import onsAddressInput %}

        "id": "address-input",
        "dontWrap": true,
        "label": {
            "text": "Enter address or postcode and select from results",
            "id": "address-label-input"
        "isEditable": false,
        "mandatory": true,
        "externalInitialiser": true,
        "autocomplete": "off",
        "APIDomain": "",
        'APIDomainBearerToken': "some_token",
        "instructions": "Use up and down keys to navigate suggestions once you\'ve typed more than two characters. Use the enter key to select a suggestion. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures.",
        "ariaYouHaveSelected": "You have selected",
        "ariaMinChars": "Enter 3 or more characters for suggestions.",
        "ariaOneResult": "There is one suggestion available.",
        "ariaNResults": "There are {n} suggestions available.",
        "ariaLimitedResults": "Results have been limited to 10 suggestions. Type more characters to improve your search",
        "ariaGroupedResults": "There are {n} for {x}",
        "groupCount": "{n} addresses",
        "moreResults": "Enter more of the address to improve results",
        "resultsTitle": "Select an address",
        "resultsTitleId": "address-results",
        "noResults": "No results found. Try entering a different part of the address",
        "tooManyResults": "{n} results found. Enter more of the address to improve results",
        "typeMore": "Enter more of the address to get results",
        "errorTitle": "There is a problem with your answer",
        "errorMessageEnter": "Enter an address",
        "errorMessageSelect": "Select an address",
        "errorMessageAPI": "Sorry, there is a problem. We are working to fix it. Please try again later or",
        "errorMessageAPILinkText": "contact us for more help",
        "errorMessageAPILink": "#0",
        "options": {
            "regionCode": "gb-eng",
            "addressType": "residential"
Nunjucks macro options
idstringtrueID for the fieldset. This is used to automatically generate IDs and names for each field if one isn’t specified
classesstringfalseClasses to add to the fieldset
labelLabel (ref)trueSettings for the input label. for will automatically be set to match the input id
legendstringtrueLegend text for the address input
legendClassesstringfalseClasses to apply to the legend
dontWrapbooleanfalseSet to true to prevent the address fields from being wrapped in a fieldset
isEditablebooleantrueUsed with the address macro to invoke population of manual fields upon selection of suggestion
manualEntrybooleanfalseOnly display manual fields and do not invoke autosuggest/api functionality
mandatorybooleanfalseSet the autosuggest input to be mandatory and use client side validation for empty form submission
APIDomainstringfalseSet an api domain when using an external API to suggest results
APIDomainBearerTokenstringfalseSet a bearer token for api authorization on the AIMS address api.
minCharsintegerfalseMinimum number of characters to run a query. Default is 3
instructionsstringtrueInstructions on how to use the autosuggest that will be read out by screen readers
ariaYouHaveSelectedstringtrueAria message to tell the user that they have selected an answer
ariaMinCharsstringtrueAria message to tell the user how many characters they need to enter before autosuggest will start
ariaOneResultstringtrueAria message to tell the user there is only one suggestion left
ariaNResultsstringtrueAria message to tell the user how many suggestions are left
ariaLimitedResultsstringtrueAria message to tell the user if the results have been limited and what they are limited to
ariaGroupedResultsstringtrueAria message to tell the user about a grouped result, for example, There are {n} for {x}
groupCountstringtrueAria message to tell the user the number of addresses in a group, for example, {n} addresses
moreResultsstringtrueAria message to tell the user to continue to type to refine suggestions
noResultsstringtruemessage to tell the user there are no results
tooManyResultsstringtruemessage to tell the user there are too many results to display and the user should refine the search
typeMorestringtruemessage to encourage the user to enter more characters to get suggestions
resultsTitlestringtrueTitle of results to be displayed on screen at the top of the results
errorTitlestringfalseError message title displayed in the error panel
errorMessageEnterstringfalseError message description displayed in the error panel when the input is empty
errorMessageSelectstringfalseError message description displayed in the error panel when a suggestion has not been selected
errorMessageAPIstringfalseError message displayed when the API has failed during a search
errorMessageAPILinkTextstringfalseLink text used to toggle to a manual mode when using the address macro
manualLinkstringfalseurl for the link displayed below the input
manualLinkTextstringfalseLink text shown for the manual link. If using the editable address, including this parameter will toggle the mode to manual entry
optionsObject<Options>falseOption to provide key value pairs that will be added as data attributes to the component that will be added as parameters to the address index api
organisationObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the organisation field.
line1Object<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the line1 field
line2Object<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the line2 field
townObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the town field
countyObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the county field
postcodeObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the postcode field
uprnObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the uprn field
mutuallyExclusiveMutuallyExclusive (ref)falseConfiguration object if this is a mutually exclusive input
legendstringOnly if mutuallyExclusive is setText content for the legend
legendClassesstringfalseClasses for the legend
errorError (ref)falseConfiguration for validation errors
namestringfalseThe name of the input
valuestring | numberfalseThe value to set the input to
attributesobjectfalseHTML attributes (for example, data attributes) to add to the input
regionCodestringfalseSets the provided region code, for example, en-gb
addressTypestringfalseSets the provided address type, for example, residential
oneYearAgostringfalseIf "true" will set a query parameter of epoch=75
idstringfalseID for the field
namestringfalseSets the name attribute on the field
label.textstringtrueThe label for the input
valuestringfalseThe value for the input
errorError (ref)falseConfiguration for validation errors
<div id="address" class="ons-field ons-address-input ons-address-input--search ons-js-address-autosuggest">
  <input type="hidden" id="address-input-uprn"
    class="ons-input ons-input--text ons-input-type__input ons-js-hidden-uprn ons-u-d-no" name="address-input-uprn" />
  <div class="ons-js-address-input__search">
    <div id="address-input-autosuggest-container"
      class="ons-autosuggest ons-js-address-not-editable ons-js-address-mandatory"
      data-instructions="Use up and down keys to navigate suggestions once you&#39;ve typed more than two characters. Use the enter key to select a suggestion. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures."
      data-aria-you-have-selected="You have selected" data-min-chars=""
      data-aria-min-chars="Enter 3 or more characters for suggestions."
      data-aria-one-result="There is one suggestion available."
      data-aria-n-results="There are {n} suggestions available."
      data-aria-limited-results="Results have been limited to 10 suggestions. Type more characters to improve your search"
      data-more-results="Enter more of the address to improve results" data-results-title="Select an address"
      data-no-results="No results found. Try entering a different part of the address"
      data-type-more="Enter more of the address to get results"
      data-api-domain="" data-authorization-token="some_token"
      data-error-title="There is a problem with your answer" data-error-enter="Enter an address"
      data-error-select="Select an address" data-aria-grouped-results="There are {n} for {x}"
      data-group-count="{n} addresses"
      data-too-many-results="{n} results found. Enter more of the address to improve results"
      data-error-api="Sorry, there is a problem. We are working to fix it. Please try again later or"
      data-error-api-link-text="contact us for more help" data-options-region-code="gb-eng"
      <div class="ons-field">
        <label class="ons-label ons-js-autosuggest-label" for="address-input-autosuggest" id="address-label-input">Enter
          address or postcode and select from results</label>
        <input type="text" id="address-input-autosuggest"
          class="ons-input ons-input--text ons-input-type__input ons-js-autosuggest-input ons-input--w-50" />
      <div class="ons-autosuggest__results ons-js-autosuggest-results ons-input--w-50">
        <div id="address-results" class="ons-autosuggest__results-title ons-u-fs-s">Select an address</div>
        <ul class="ons-autosuggest__listbox ons-js-autosuggest-listbox" title="Select an address" role="listbox"
          id="address-input-autosuggest-listbox" tabindex="-1"></ul>
      <div class="ons-autosuggest__instructions ons-u-vh ons-js-autosuggest-instructions"
        id="address-input-autosuggest-instructions" tabindex="-1"> Use up and down keys to navigate suggestions once
        you&#39;ve typed more than two characters. Use the enter key to select a suggestion. Touch device users, explore
        by touch or with swipe gestures. </div>
      <div class="ons-autosuggest__status ons-u-vh ons-js-autosuggest-aria-status" aria-live="assertive"
        aria-atomic="true" role="status" tabindex="-1"></div>

Editable address finder

Include the parameter isEditable: true. You will also need to set other parameters as shown in the Nunjucks options in the example.

When a user selects an address, it will be displayed in a set of manual fields. This allows the user to check and edit the address.

If the address is changed, the UPRN (unique ID) is removed and not posted with the rest of the form data.

If there is an issue with the API, the manual fields will be shown instead of the address finder.

When using an editable address component, you must also use the footer with the royal coat of arms.

Example Address Input Editable contents

{% from "components/address-input/_macro.njk" import onsAddressInput %}

        "id": "address-input-editable",
        "dontWrap": true,
        "label": {
            "text": "Enter address or postcode and select from results",
            "id": "address-label-input-editable"
        "isEditable": true,
        "mandatory": true,
        "APIDomain": "",
        'APIDomainBearerToken': "some_token",
        "instructions": "Use up and down keys to navigate suggestions once you\'ve typed more than two characters. Use the enter key to select a suggestion. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures.",
        "ariaYouHaveSelected": "You have selected",
        "ariaMinChars": "Enter 3 or more characters for suggestions.",
        "ariaOneResult": "There is one suggestion available.",
        "ariaNResults": "There are {n} suggestions available.",
        "ariaLimitedResults": "Results have been limited to 10 suggestions. Type more characters to improve your search",
        "ariaGroupedResults": "There are {n} for {x}",
        "groupCount": "{n} addresses",
        "moreResults": "Enter more of the address to improve results",
        "resultsTitle": "Select an address",
        "resultsTitleId": "address-results",
        "noResults": "No results found. Try entering a different part of the address",
        "tooManyResults": "{n} results found. Enter more of the address to improve results",
        "typeMore": "Enter more of the address to get results",
        "autocomplete": "off",
        "errorTitle": "There is a problem with your answer",
        "errorMessageEnter": "Enter an address",
        "errorMessageSelect": "Select an address",
        "errorMessageAPI": "Sorry, there is a problem loading addresses.",
        "errorMessageAPILinkText": "Enter address manually",
        "options": {
            "regionCode": "gb-eng",
            "addressType": "residential"
        "line1": {
            "label": "Address line 1"
        "line2": {
            "label": "Address line 2"
        "town": {
            "label": "Town or city"
        "postcode": {
            "label": "Postcode"
        "searchButton": "Search for an address",
        "manualLinkText": "Manually enter address"
Nunjucks macro options
idstringtrueID for the fieldset. This is used to automatically generate IDs and names for each field if one isn’t specified
classesstringfalseClasses to add to the fieldset
labelLabel (ref)trueSettings for the input label. for will automatically be set to match the input id
legendstringtrueLegend text for the address input
legendClassesstringfalseClasses to apply to the legend
dontWrapbooleanfalseSet to true to prevent the address fields from being wrapped in a fieldset
isEditablebooleantrueUsed with the address macro to invoke population of manual fields upon selection of suggestion
manualEntrybooleanfalseOnly display manual fields and do not invoke autosuggest/api functionality
mandatorybooleanfalseSet the autosuggest input to be mandatory and use client side validation for empty form submission
APIDomainstringfalseSet an api domain when using an external API to suggest results
APIDomainBearerTokenstringfalseSet a bearer token for api authorization on the AIMS address api.
minCharsintegerfalseMinimum number of characters to run a query. Default is 3
instructionsstringtrueInstructions on how to use the autosuggest that will be read out by screen readers
ariaYouHaveSelectedstringtrueAria message to tell the user that they have selected an answer
ariaMinCharsstringtrueAria message to tell the user how many characters they need to enter before autosuggest will start
ariaOneResultstringtrueAria message to tell the user there is only one suggestion left
ariaNResultsstringtrueAria message to tell the user how many suggestions are left
ariaLimitedResultsstringtrueAria message to tell the user if the results have been limited and what they are limited to
ariaGroupedResultsstringtrueAria message to tell the user about a grouped result, for example, There are {n} for {x}
groupCountstringtrueAria message to tell the user the number of addresses in a group, for example, {n} addresses
moreResultsstringtrueAria message to tell the user to continue to type to refine suggestions
noResultsstringtruemessage to tell the user there are no results
tooManyResultsstringtruemessage to tell the user there are too many results to display and the user should refine the search
typeMorestringtruemessage to encourage the user to enter more characters to get suggestions
resultsTitlestringtrueTitle of results to be displayed on screen at the top of the results
errorTitlestringfalseError message title displayed in the error panel
errorMessageEnterstringfalseError message description displayed in the error panel when the input is empty
errorMessageSelectstringfalseError message description displayed in the error panel when a suggestion has not been selected
errorMessageAPIstringfalseError message displayed when the API has failed during a search
errorMessageAPILinkTextstringfalseLink text used to toggle to a manual mode when using the address macro
manualLinkstringfalseurl for the link displayed below the input
manualLinkTextstringfalseLink text shown for the manual link. If using the editable address, including this parameter will toggle the mode to manual entry
optionsObject<Options>falseOption to provide key value pairs that will be added as data attributes to the component that will be added as parameters to the address index api
organisationObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the organisation field.
line1Object<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the line1 field
line2Object<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the line2 field
townObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the town field
countyObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the county field
postcodeObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the postcode field
uprnObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the uprn field
mutuallyExclusiveMutuallyExclusive (ref)falseConfiguration object if this is a mutually exclusive input
legendstringOnly if mutuallyExclusive is setText content for the legend
legendClassesstringfalseClasses for the legend
errorError (ref)falseConfiguration for validation errors
namestringfalseThe name of the input
valuestring | numberfalseThe value to set the input to
attributesobjectfalseHTML attributes (for example, data attributes) to add to the input
regionCodestringfalseSets the provided region code, for example, en-gb
addressTypestringfalseSets the provided address type, for example, residential
oneYearAgostringfalseIf "true" will set a query parameter of epoch=75
idstringfalseID for the field
namestringfalseSets the name attribute on the field
label.textstringtrueThe label for the input
valuestringfalseThe value for the input
errorError (ref)falseConfiguration for validation errors
<div id="address" class="ons-field ons-address-input ons-address-input--search ons-js-address-autosuggest">
  <div class="ons-js-address-input__manual ons-u-db-no-js_enabled">
    <div class="ons-field">
      <label class="ons-label" for="address-input-editable-line1">Address line 1</label>
      <input type="text" id="address-input-editable-line1"
        class="ons-input ons-input--text ons-input-type__input ons-js-address-line1 ons-input--w-20@m"
        name="address-input-editable-line1" />
    <div class="ons-field">
      <label class="ons-label" for="address-input-editable-line2">Address line 2</label>
      <input type="text" id="address-input-editable-line2"
        class="ons-input ons-input--text ons-input-type__input ons-js-address-line2 ons-input--w-20@m"
        name="address-input-editable-line2" />
    <div class="ons-field">
      <label class="ons-label" for="address-input-editable-town">Town or city</label>
      <input type="text" id="address-input-editable-town"
        class="ons-input ons-input--text ons-input-type__input ons-js-address-town"
        name="address-input-editable-town" />
    <div class="ons-field">
      <label class="ons-label" for="address-input-editable-postcode">Postcode</label>
      <input type="text" id="address-input-editable-postcode"
        class="ons-input ons-input--text ons-input-type__input ons-js-address-postcode ons-input--w-7"
        name="address-input-editable-postcode" />
    <div class="ons-u-mt-s">
      <a href="#0" class="ons-js-address-search-btn ons-u-db-no-js_disabled">Search for an address</a>
  <input type="hidden" id="address-input-editable-uprn"
    class="ons-input ons-input--text ons-input-type__input ons-js-hidden-uprn ons-u-d-no"
    name="address-input-editable-uprn" />
  <div class="ons-js-address-input__search ons-u-db-no-js_disabled">
    <div id="address-input-editable-autosuggest-container" class="ons-autosuggest ons-js-address-mandatory"
      data-instructions="Use up and down keys to navigate suggestions once you&#39;ve typed more than two characters. Use the enter key to select a suggestion. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures."
      data-aria-you-have-selected="You have selected" data-min-chars=""
      data-aria-min-chars="Enter 3 or more characters for suggestions."
      data-aria-one-result="There is one suggestion available."
      data-aria-n-results="There are {n} suggestions available."
      data-aria-limited-results="Results have been limited to 10 suggestions. Type more characters to improve your search"
      data-more-results="Enter more of the address to improve results" data-results-title="Select an address"
      data-no-results="No results found. Try entering a different part of the address"
      data-type-more="Enter more of the address to get results"
      data-api-domain="" data-authorization-token="some_token"
      data-error-title="There is a problem with your answer" data-error-enter="Enter an address"
      data-error-select="Select an address" data-aria-grouped-results="There are {n} for {x}"
      data-group-count="{n} addresses"
      data-too-many-results="{n} results found. Enter more of the address to improve results"
      data-error-api="Sorry, there is a problem loading addresses." data-error-api-link-text="Enter address manually"
      data-options-region-code="gb-eng" data-options-address-type="residential">
      <div class="ons-field">
        <label class="ons-label ons-js-autosuggest-label" for="address-input-editable-autosuggest"
          id="address-label-input-editable">Enter address or postcode and select from results</label>
        <input type="text" id="address-input-editable-autosuggest"
          class="ons-input ons-input--text ons-input-type__input ons-js-autosuggest-input ons-input--w-50" />
      <div class="ons-autosuggest__results ons-js-autosuggest-results ons-input--w-50">
        <div id="address-results" class="ons-autosuggest__results-title ons-u-fs-s">Select an address</div>
        <ul class="ons-autosuggest__listbox ons-js-autosuggest-listbox" title="Select an address" role="listbox"
          id="address-input-editable-autosuggest-listbox" tabindex="-1"></ul>
      <div class="ons-autosuggest__instructions ons-u-vh ons-js-autosuggest-instructions"
        id="address-input-editable-autosuggest-instructions" tabindex="-1"> Use up and down keys to navigate suggestions
        once you&#39;ve typed more than two characters. Use the enter key to select a suggestion. Touch device users,
        explore by touch or with swipe gestures. </div>
      <div class="ons-autosuggest__status ons-u-vh ons-js-autosuggest-aria-status" aria-live="assertive"
        aria-atomic="true" role="status" tabindex="-1"></div>
    <a href="#0" class="ons-js-address-manual-btn ons-u-mt-s ons-u-dib">Manually enter address</a>

Using the API

The ONS Address Index API uses a JSON Web Token (JWT) to allow for the transfer of data. Email the Design System working group at (opens in a new tab)  to let them know your requirements and to set up trusted domains for the API.

Set the values for the parameters APIDomain and APIDomainBearerToken to allow queries to be passed to the API. Also include the parameter "externalInitialiser": true to bypass the default autosuggest methods.

A query is sent to the relevant API endpoint after three characters have been entered into the address finder input. The API will return addresses in groups when the user searches by postcode. If the user searches by another part of the address, the API will return the best matches for that search term.


The address autosuggest provides client-side validation when the parameter mandatory: true is used. The validation checks if the user has:

  • entered something in the address finder input
  • selected an address from the results
  • selected an address from the results and then edited it in the address finder input (non-editable variant only)

You will need to include parameters for these error messages:

If the address finder input is empty

Use “Enter an address” for the parameter: errorMessageEnter

If no address is selected from the results

​​Use “Select an address” for the parameter: errorMessageSelect

If a selected address has been edited in the address finder input

​​Use “Select an address” for the parameter: errorMessageSelect

Important information:
If you are using the editable address finder or manual address entry variants, you will need to check the address using server-side validation.

Other API messages

Use the following error messages to improve the address finder results and deal with any loading issues:

If no results are found

Use “No results found. Try entering a different part of the address” for the parameter: noResults.

If the postcode returns too many results

Use “[number of addresses] results found. Enter more of the address to improve results” for the parameter: tooManyResults.

If more of the address or postcode are needed to get results

Use “Enter more of the address to get results” for the parameter: typeMore.

If there is an error with the API during use of the editable address finder

Use “Sorry, there is a problem loading addresses. Enter address manually” for the parameters: errorMessageAPI and errorMessageAPILinkText.

If the API is down before use of the editable address finder

There is a status check when the page loads and initialises the component. If the API is down, a set of fields will allow the user to enter an address manually. This also happens if JavaScript is turned off.

If the API is down before or during use of the non-editable address finder

The input will be disabled and an error message shown.

Use “Sorry, there is a problem. We are working to fix it. Please try again later or contact us for more help.” for the parameters: errorMessageAPI and errorMessageAPILinkText.

How to use this component for manual address entry

Include the parameter manualEntry: true. You will also need to set other parameters as shown in the Nunjucks options in the following example.

Example Address Input Manual contents


{% from "components/address-input/_macro.njk" import onsAddressInput %}

        "id": "address-input-manual",
        "dontWrap": true,
        "manualEntry": true,
        "label": {
            "text": "Enter address or postcode and select from results",
            "id": "address-label-input-manual"
        "line1": {
            "label": "Address line 1"
        "line2": {
            "label": "Address line 2"
        "town": {
            "label": "Town or city"
        "postcode": {
            "label": "Postcode"

Nunjucks macro options

idstringtrueID for the fieldset. This is used to automatically generate IDs and names for each field if one isn’t specified
classesstringfalseClasses to add to the fieldset
labelLabel (ref)trueSettings for the input label. for will automatically be set to match the input id
legendstringtrueLegend text for the address input
legendClassesstringfalseClasses to apply to the legend
dontWrapbooleanfalseSet to true to prevent the address fields from being wrapped in a fieldset
isEditablebooleantrueUsed with the address macro to invoke population of manual fields upon selection of suggestion
manualEntrybooleanfalseOnly display manual fields and do not invoke autosuggest/api functionality
mandatorybooleanfalseSet the autosuggest input to be mandatory and use client side validation for empty form submission
APIDomainstringfalseSet an api domain when using an external API to suggest results
APIDomainBearerTokenstringfalseSet a bearer token for api authorization on the AIMS address api.
minCharsintegerfalseMinimum number of characters to run a query. Default is 3
instructionsstringtrueInstructions on how to use the autosuggest that will be read out by screen readers
ariaYouHaveSelectedstringtrueAria message to tell the user that they have selected an answer
ariaMinCharsstringtrueAria message to tell the user how many characters they need to enter before autosuggest will start
ariaOneResultstringtrueAria message to tell the user there is only one suggestion left
ariaNResultsstringtrueAria message to tell the user how many suggestions are left
ariaLimitedResultsstringtrueAria message to tell the user if the results have been limited and what they are limited to
ariaGroupedResultsstringtrueAria message to tell the user about a grouped result, for example, There are {n} for {x}
groupCountstringtrueAria message to tell the user the number of addresses in a group, for example, {n} addresses
moreResultsstringtrueAria message to tell the user to continue to type to refine suggestions
noResultsstringtruemessage to tell the user there are no results
tooManyResultsstringtruemessage to tell the user there are too many results to display and the user should refine the search
typeMorestringtruemessage to encourage the user to enter more characters to get suggestions
resultsTitlestringtrueTitle of results to be displayed on screen at the top of the results
errorTitlestringfalseError message title displayed in the error panel
errorMessageEnterstringfalseError message description displayed in the error panel when the input is empty
errorMessageSelectstringfalseError message description displayed in the error panel when a suggestion has not been selected
errorMessageAPIstringfalseError message displayed when the API has failed during a search
errorMessageAPILinkTextstringfalseLink text used to toggle to a manual mode when using the address macro
manualLinkstringfalseurl for the link displayed below the input
manualLinkTextstringfalseLink text shown for the manual link. If using the editable address, including this parameter will toggle the mode to manual entry
optionsObject<Options>falseOption to provide key value pairs that will be added as data attributes to the component that will be added as parameters to the address index api
organisationObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the organisation field.
line1Object<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the line1 field
line2Object<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the line2 field
townObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the town field
countyObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the county field
postcodeObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the postcode field
uprnObject<AddressField>falseConfiguration for the uprn field
mutuallyExclusiveMutuallyExclusive (ref)falseConfiguration object if this is a mutually exclusive input
legendstringOnly if mutuallyExclusive is setText content for the legend
legendClassesstringfalseClasses for the legend
errorError (ref)falseConfiguration for validation errors
namestringfalseThe name of the input
valuestring | numberfalseThe value to set the input to
attributesobjectfalseHTML attributes (for example, data attributes) to add to the input
regionCodestringfalseSets the provided region code, for example, en-gb
addressTypestringfalseSets the provided address type, for example, residential
oneYearAgostringfalseIf "true" will set a query parameter of epoch=75
idstringfalseID for the field
namestringfalseSets the name attribute on the field
label.textstringtrueThe label for the input
valuestringfalseThe value for the input
errorError (ref)falseConfiguration for validation errors


<div id="address" class="ons-field ons-address-input">
  <div class="ons-field">
    <label class="ons-label" for="address-input-manual-line1">Address line 1</label>
    <input type="text" id="address-input-manual-line1"
      class="ons-input ons-input--text ons-input-type__input ons-js-address-line1 ons-input--w-20@m"
      name="address-input-manual-line1" />
  <div class="ons-field">
    <label class="ons-label" for="address-input-manual-line2">Address line 2</label>
    <input type="text" id="address-input-manual-line2"
      class="ons-input ons-input--text ons-input-type__input ons-js-address-line2 ons-input--w-20@m"
      name="address-input-manual-line2" />
  <div class="ons-field">
    <label class="ons-label" for="address-input-manual-town">Town or city</label>
    <input type="text" id="address-input-manual-town"
      class="ons-input ons-input--text ons-input-type__input ons-js-address-town" name="address-input-manual-town" />
  <div class="ons-field">
    <label class="ons-label" for="address-input-manual-postcode">Postcode</label>
    <input type="text" id="address-input-manual-postcode"
      class="ons-input ons-input--text ons-input-type__input ons-js-address-postcode ons-input--w-7"
      name="address-input-manual-postcode" />
  <input type="hidden" id="address-input-manual-uprn"
    class="ons-input ons-input--text ons-input-type__input ons-js-hidden-uprn ons-u-d-no"
    name="address-input-manual-uprn" />

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